ホーム > 装備品その他 > 小物のお薦め

製品の型番:  CL33-0197


色:  颜色

fly shark,eagle eye,1911、エゴ戦術デラックスグリップ、パチマイア戦術

Type:Metal Mesh Scope Protector 

For:DR 1X-4X Scope
uitable diameter:36.8mm
Material:3031 types of Aluminum

This sophisticated honeycomb pattern
Enables an almost complete elimination of light reflections on optical surfaces due
to an optimal proportion of width and thickness of the honeycombs.
Enables an excellent light transmission due to a perfect ratio of distance and thickness
of the honeycombs.

Assures a stable and rugged structure due to the integrated retaining strips.

Assures a stable and rugged structure due to the integrated retaining strips.

Metal Mesh Scope ProtectorMetal Mesh Scope ProtectorMetal Mesh Scope ProtectorMetal Mesh Scope ProtectorMetal Mesh Scope Protector

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