ホーム > 外装装備用品 > ブーツ/キャップ

製品の型番:  CL29-0031

軍事の戦術的な用ブーツスカーフ 戦術的なカモフラージュ

色:  颜色

fly shark,eagle eye,戦術軍用ブーツ、戦闘用戦術用ブーツ、戦術用軍用ブーツ

The squares namely Shemagh Arab scarves, originally is a kind of traditional Arab around the head scarf, mainly ACTS as a hat. At present by the military and various fashionable personage to develop different USES, protection, decoration, even as people familiar BaoFuPi... TV news, American movies, fashion party can see it, that is the fashion and practical.

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