Shock and recoil proof
Fog and water proof
Adjustable objective
Glass reticle
1. CS and wargame
An advantage of using a scope with your rifle or gun is that you will be able to aim at your target easier. Also, it is much easier to lineup the target in the crosshairs of a high-quality scope than it is with a standard iron sight. You can feel more confident when using a scope under a high-pressure situation where you need to hit your target. Over time, your ability to leverage the scope to its full potential will be better, which will make you a good shooter
2. Hunting and shooting pratice
Imagine if you have a sophisticated scope attached to your rifle. It would look like you could do no wrong – if it was a high pressure shooting situation, you’d be getting hit after hit. This is the kind of feeling which a rifle scope instills in the shooter. It magnifies the target so you’re able to choose exactly where you want to aim your shot! Ultimately, you feel in control of the entire situation
3. Military
As you get better at shooting with your rifle, you will want to shoot farther and with better accuracy. Soon, shooting at targets from your normal sights just will not do anymore – and that’s when you’ll know you need a quality rifle scope. Since it brings the targets much closer in your vuew, you’re able to aim and hit targets farther out. In fact, modern scopes let you change their ocular settings to match your eyes so you don’t have to deal with your glasses in the field!