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As the saying goes: people eat food, but "food" what should be the content? Some people think that mankind can only meet the nutritional needs of vegetarians, while others think we need a certain amount of meat. In ancient times, humans wanted meat to go hunting in the wild, but today they just go out and buy meat if they want to eat meat. Hunting has become a controversial outdoor activity.
So to speak, hunting is the process of killing or catching wildlife. Some hunters are fully respectful of prey, trying to make animals die as soon as possible without pain, but not for all, which is related to personal moral values.
Hunting in a respectful way of life embodies good personal self-control and regards hunting as a sacred tradition, not a simple outdoor exercise. Hunters with this awareness will conscientiously participate in the safety training of hunters, fully prepare them for hunting, strictly control the quality of hunting tools, and always maintain a humble attitude throughout the hunting process.
"To hunt in a respectful way of life," it sounds like a grand ceremony, but what should be done? Can it be achieved effectively? What is the attitude of all the groups in society?
Apart from these people's supporters and opponents, there is also a third voice, trying to stand on the animal's point of view, in order to safeguard their own rights and voice, they are all kinds of animal protection organizations, I think we should put their point of view Independent view.
The animal protection organization's voice
As a typical representative of the animal protection community PETA does not recognize the idea of "hunting in a respectful way of life" and regards hunting as a cruel and unnecessary exercise. they think:
1. Hunting disrupted animal movements, family organization, hibernation and eating patterns.
2. Hunting undermines the ecological balance because it does not kill the weakest of the population, as the natural predators do, but instead hunts the strongest. "Natural selection, survival of the fittest" is the natural law, the natural choice to retain the healthiest animals in the population, so that the population is more powerful.
3. Recognize that hunting accidents and fatalities are caused by hunters who have not received any safety training.
4. The control of population quantity does not have to be carried out by hunting, but alternative measures such as sterilization or birth control can be taken.
5. Profit-oriented farms and protected areas do not meet the principle of fair hunting because animals are already accustomed to human feeding and are hunting in confined spaces.
Technology and the times are improving, but the various controversies about hunting will not stop. No matter where you stand, knowing more about different groups will always benefit you. How do you think about hunting with respect for life?

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