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Bisley is a place that gave its name to a gun. It is a range complex in Great Britain where many great matches were once fired. I am told that the range is still in use for some shooting.

When Colt wanted into the competition revolver business in the early part of the 20th Century, they modified the Single Action Army’s grip, hammer and trigger shape and called the gun the Bisley in recognition of the major range for international shooting.

The Bisley revolver turned out to be sort of odd-looking, but those who used it really liked it. It was used more as a service revolver than as a competition one, but an adjustable-sight Target Bisley is a great find for the avid collector.

It is as if someone made a gun associated with high-level competition called the Camp Perry. Come to think of it, there is. Colt did that one, too.

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