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Both of the new Rugers will fit current Blackhawk or GP 100 holsters, but new guns deserve new leather. Galco is offering three new holsters perfectly suited to these two Rugers. First is the company’s SAO in CAMO. It’s constructed of premium saddle leather and can be worn strong side or cross-draw. It has a retention strap and a tension screw for adjusting snugness to your Blackhawk. The SAO will fit up to 1¾” belts and is available in right or left hand. For fashion conscious hunters, it’s finished in Mossy Oak’s Break-Up camo. A similar DAO version will work with the GP100 Galco’s other holster, the Wheelgunner, is the best way I’ve found for carrying large-frame revolvers in the field or concealed. This innovative design holds the gun high on the belt and is so versatile it can be worn for left or right hand and for strong or cross-draw carry. Like the SAO, the Wheelgunner is made from premium saddle leather, comes with a hammer thong and fits up to 1¾” belts.

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